transformation Leif Johansen DK
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Mention of sources Peter Geisler, Schopfheim / 2000

  • Stocks of the Stadtarchiv Ulm: addressbooks 1949, 1951,1959 documents located under signatures B 121 with B 121/003; B 032/41/42; B 773/10; 51/348
  • Stock of the Wirtschaftsarchiv Stuttgart-Hohenheim: signature:A 9 Bü 1622
  • Deutsches Patentamt München / Patentauslegestelle Stuttgart  (for patent documents)
Information by relatives of Walter Voss / by former employees / data from personal documents from the estate of Walter Voss.
  • Since about 1994 data of more than 2100 Diax-cameras, more than 1900 lenses and different accessories were collected.
  • Printed documents from the factory
  • Diax/Voss price-guides, leaflets and user manuals could not be listed  biographically correct because of specifications lacking.
  • Dating from 1949 to 1957 alltogether 42 prints were available, most of them as originals.
  • Further documents from the factory's estates:
    • a book titled „Das deutsche Photo- und Kino-Fachadressbuch“, Bad Kissingen, Ausgabe 1957;
    • spare parts listings of nearly all Diax cameras contained technical data to almost every single spare part from 1948 to 1957.
    • Only documents for the earliest types and for the Diaxette were missing.
A detailed list of additional sources used during my research is published in my book on the Diax history.

Special thanks for help of any kind

  • Gebhard Aders, Overath
  • August Aichinger, Neu-Ulm
  • Peter Barz, Ludwigshafen-Rhein 
  • Heinz-Hermann Beckl, Lingen-Ems
  • Dr. Christine Belz-Hensoldt, Waldalgesheim
  • Anton Betzler, Ulm
  • Deutsche Bahn AG Niederlassung Ulm (Immobiliengesellschaft)
  • Deutsches Patentamt, München
  • Roland Dreher, Bad Säckingen
  • Anton Felk, Einsingen
  • Helmut Franz, München
  • Dr. Axel Göbel, Frankfurt-Main
  • Christiane Grope, Düsseldorf
  • Wilhelmine und Herrmann Hank, Ichenhausen
  • Dieter Haupt, Berlin
  • Karl Heitz, New York
  • Bärbel Henning, Schopfheim 
  • Manfred Herrmann, Frankfurt-Main
  • Frank-Peter Hoffmann, Braunschweig
  • Industrie- und Handelskammer Ulm
  • Industrie-und Handelskammer Wetzlar
  • Kreisarchiv und Ordnungsamt des Landratsamts
  • Eichsfeld-Heiligenstadt
  • Günther Kadlubek, Köln-Porz
  • Dr. Hermann Kerbusch
  • Josef Kern, Elzach
  • Martin Kohler, Friedrichshafen
  • Waldemar Lang, Illerkirchberg
  • Hans Logé, Biberach-Riß
  • Gerhard Merkl, Ulm
  • Günter Merkle, Neu-Ulm
  • Karsten Porezag, Wetzlar  Hannsheinz Porst, Vorra
  • Claus Prochnow, Braunschweig 
  • Alfons Sem, Erlangen
  • Rolf Schickler, Ulm-Mähringen
  • Hildegard Scheider, Lörrach
  • Dr. Rainer Schweizer, Emmendingen
  • Dr. Hans Seeger, Wiesbaden
  • Ulrich Seemüller, Ulm
  • Barbara und Harald Schöneck, Murg-Hänner  Stadtarchiv Düsseldorf
  • Stadtarchiv Ulm
  • Stadt Dingelstädt
  • Stadtwerke Ulm/Neu-Ulm
  • GmbH  Lothar Thewes, Düsseldorf
  • Heinz Veddeler, Westerstede
  • Hans-Philipp Walter, Lehrensteinsfeld
  • Dieter Winter, Ulm
  • Günther Woerrle, Ulm
  • Siegfried Zimprich, Ulm
My investigations found great and sincere support by relatives of Walter Voss:
  • Sabine Kopp, Merzhausen
  • Martina Voss, Graben-Neudorf
  • Gritli Voss-Kuster and Erik Baekgaard, Kreuzlingen-Switzerland
Special thanks also to Andreas Buehler, Schopfheim for great help with some of the digital pics!

Contents © Dr. Peter Geisler

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